O deffro'n fore f'enaid gwan

1,(2,(3),4,5);  1,2,4.
(Melusder a phurdeb cariad Crist / Ymroddiad)
O! deffro'n foreu, f'enaid gwan,
  Ar doriad cynta'r dydd,
A llwyr gysegra
    ddyddiau d'oes
  I'r gwrthddrych goreu sydd.

Câf yfed yma gariad pur,
  Na phrofodd cnawd mo'i ryw,
Ac ymddifyru uwch y byd,
  Ar bur bleserau Duw.

Mi flinais yfed dyfroedd sur,
  Teganau daear lawr;
Ni fyddaf hapus, ond wrth flas
  Pleserau'r nefoedd fawr.

Uwch cyrhaedd pob serchiadau gwael
  Yw'r cariad pur ei flas
Ag sydd yn llifo'n loyw ffrwd
  O iachawdwriaeth gras.

Yma dymunwn dreulio'm hoes,
  O fore hyd brydnawn,
Lle cawn i wylo cariad pur,
  Yn ddagrau melys iawn.
bleserau Duw :: bleserau'm Duw :: bleserau 'Nuw
Yma dymunwn :: Dymunwn yma
dreulio'm hoes :: dreulio f'oes

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Ballerma (alaw Ysbaenaidd)
Farrant (Richard Farrant c.1530-80)
  Gabriel New (<1835)
Jerusalem (Thomas W Staniforth 1845-1909)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
St Saviour (F G Baker 1839-1919)
Tallis (Thomas Tallis c.1505-1585)
Tiverton (Jacob Grigg)

Darfydded dydd darfydded nôs
Na foed fy mywyd bellach mwy

(The sweetness and purity of the love of God / Commitment)
Oh, awaken in the morning, my weak soul,
  At the earliest break of day!
And completely consecrate
    the days of thy life
  To the best object there is.

I may get to drink here pure love,
  The kind which flesh has not experienced,
And to take delight above the world,
  In the pure pleasures of God.

I wearied of drinking bitter waters,
  Of the trinkets of earth below;
I will not be happy, except with the taste
  Of the pleasures of great heaven.

Above the reach of all base affections
  Is the love with a pure taste
And which is flowing as a bright stream
  Of the salvation of grace.

Here I request to spend my life,
  From morning until afternoon,
Where I may get to weep pure love,
  In very sweet tears.
pleasures of God :: pleasures of my God :: pleasures of my God

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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